
Showing posts from May, 2018

Oldies Part 3

Camera: HP Photosmart E317 Aperture: f3.5 Lens: 7.7 ISO: 400 Shutter: 1/154, 1 sec, 1/28 respectively

Oldies Part 2

Camera: HP Photosmart E317 Aperture: f3.5 ISO: 50 Lens: 7.7mm Shutter: 1/922,  1/984, 1/30, 1/30 respectively Location: Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Oldies Part 1

Camera: HP Photosmart E317 Aperture: f2.8 Lens: 3.5mm Date: 2016/07/18 That is my cat Kurogane! Camera: HP Photosmart E317 Aperture: f3.5 Lens: 7.7mm ISO: 100 Shutter: 1/30 sec, 1 sec respectively

Student demonstration UNAH 10th Jul 2016

Location: Tegucigalpa, Honduras Date: July 10, 2016 Camera: HP Photosmart E317 Lens: 7.7mm, f3.5 Resolution: 5MP In all honesty I don't recall if this was the photo I took or was by someone else... However I do remember taking one if not this one, very similar. If this one was authored by someone else, my apologies, and please contact me to properly credit; if not, well... great! This photo was requested by the people in the car. joking they told me to caption this photo with the phrase "Los Brian se toman un carro" which would be something like "The Brian's seize a car."

Welcome to my photography blog!

Hi, welcome! This blog, is dedicated to my photographic endeavours, in here I'll be sharing with you all my adventures with a camera. 😄 Currently I'm using the Sony Xperia L1 smart-phone as my camera, as I get ready to acquisition my own DSLR. Also in here I'll share my projects and a bunch of other stuff I do that are related or in a similar area of photography. For the sake of clarification, I am not a professional photographe r. I am an enthusiast or amateur photographer, sharing with you all my work and evolution as one. It is important to state the following disclaimer: All photographs here are mine, unless otherwise stated and duly credited. If you wish to use any of the photos in this blog, please contact me before. I hope you enjoy it!